Virtua Voorhees Fresh 48 Photos - Aiden

It’s Taco Tuesday! No wait…it’s Tiny Tuesday! Fresh 48 sessions are quickly becoming some of my favorite sessions. Virtua Voorhees Hospital is an amazing place for these! The rooms are huge and the amount of light that pours into them through their big windows is just scrumptious.

I was so excited for Jen and Frank to add another little boy to their family this spring. I remember when Jen called me in the fall of 2017 and asked what I was doing May 25th. Ummmm…..nothing? My stomach instantly got butterfiles. I KNEW she was either going to tell me that she was either going to tell me that her and Frank were renewing their vows…..or that she was pregnant again! I was so excited. Liam finally has a baby brother.
